Thursday, November 21, 2013

Submit to Find Peace

“Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you. Listen to his instructions, and store them in your heart. If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored— so clean up your life.” –Job 22:21-23

One of the toughest challenges we face as men is with our pride and ego and submitting them to people in authority.  I remember growing up, many times I would buck my father’s authority thinking I knew best and disrespectfully fighting to get the last word in the disagreement. Young man, if you find yourself making this same mistake with your dad, just stop. Submit to his authority and remember that you’re under HIS roof. A general rule of thumb is if you’re under your parents’ roof, it’s their rules. You only have to live under their watchful eye a few years then after that you have every right to make your own decisions. If you have constant tension in your house because of this, just drop your pride and your demanding to be right. Try to understand that your parents have been there and done that. Stop and take a word of advice. We can learn so much from the people who have gone before us and learn from their mistakes so we don’t have to repeat them and mess up our lives. If I can encourage you in any way I would tell you to please ask Christian people who are older than you who you respect for advice on life. Pick their brain to learn how to avoid the mistakes that they made along with how to make the positive choices that helped improve their life. Then, most importantly, see if the advice they give you aligns with obedience to God. Also, if you’re seeking to be wise, read the Proverbs daily. It’s filled with great advice.
The passage above tells us that if we will submit to God’s leading, we will find peace and that will lead to finding good things in our life. This also relates to submitting to your parents, your teachers, and your bosses’ authority. Simplify your life by just humbling yourself and listening more. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. If you listen, you will save yourself a great deal of heartache and trauma. I implore you to please learn from my mistakes I made by not listening and disrespecting my father’s words of advice. I understand that many young men are trying to find their footing, their place, and their voice in this world and it’s a very challenging time but it would be in their best interest to listen more and talk less especially when communicating with an adult. You will only be helping yourself. Ask God for his proper view on the advice you receive to form the right stance to form your opinion. No person regardless of age is always right. You need wisdom to discern their words but still remain respectful even if you don’t agree with their viewpoints. Bite the bullet and still submit to their authority.

If you’ve found yourself going down this path of disrespect and tension with an authority figure in your life then it’s time to ask God for forgiveness and wisdom on how to change your approach. God put those people in your life for a reason and your job is to learn what God has for you to learn through them. The way you treat people in authority in your life can be a direct correlation to how you view and obey God as an authority figure. The Bible says that if you will return to God and his authority you will be restored and have peace. Young man, this is your opportunity to clean up your life and get back on track. Humble yourself today and take some advice to enhance these opportunities in your life. At the end of the day having peace is one of the most important gifts we can receive in this life and having peace of mind will help you to be a better leader as well as a man of God. Practicing this kind of humility will enhance what God wants to do in your life as you learn to be molded to help you grow into a better man.
 If your life needs peace start submitting to God’s authority and listening to get back on the right track.

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