"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22
You ever walk past a person and say "hi" just to have them totally snub their nose and ignore you as if you didn't matter at all? Or how about when you try to say something nice and positive to that girl and she just rolls her eyes at you and walks away as if you were lower than dirt? Guess what, this is going to happen from time to time in your daily life as you try to show God's love to others. Not everybody is going to have the same positive outlook on life that you have in your heart. This isn't a time to take it personally and start feeling insecure about yourself or a time to start latching on to them as some sort of a pathetic game to gain their approval. Let's face it, some people are rude, tired, mean or just having a bad day. The last thing you need to do is take it as a personal attack against you as a person or better yet, as an attack against you as a man. Yes, the main thing we want from people as men is respect, but not everybody is going to give it or even knows how to give it. If anything, have pity on them for being that way and pray for them and their poor attitude. Just give it to over to God and keep moving forward on your own path in life.
When this happens, it's best to remember that even Jesus was rejected as a man from his own people. Yes, it stings when people reject us but it's best to forgive them and keep moving forward. It's like my father used to tell me, "Son, you have to let the negative comments roll right off your back like water off a duck's back." This will give you more insight with who you should associate with and make friendships with in your life too. If a woman is not going to give you the proper respect as a human being by your trying to make friendly conversation with her, then maybe she's not worth pursuing. There are many negative people in this world. Just be careful that you're coming from a positive place of power and influence when you approach them, not a place of weakness and needing their approval. This is not a manly way to approach anybody. It's very dependent and people will read this, especially a woman who is used to being approached by guys.
Take responsibility for yourself and don't let your day get ruined by those negative people you encounter. You can only control what you do and how you react to those people. You're not going to change them by getting all upset and hurt over it. They don't know you. God knows you and he approves of you. Don't live your life dependent on people's view and expectations for you. Only God's view matters. Say a kind word to someone because God put it on your heart to do so. Take charge and stay on your own path. A smile, a compliment, or a kind gesture can go a long ways to showing someone God's love. This is a positive man quality we should all desire to possess.
Walk with your head high, full of confidence and self-respect. Your compliments will mean more to the people you encounter.
Great help to the man of our LORD!!!