“Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” –Matthew 11:28
There comes a time in every man’s life that he needs to let his guard down and realize it’s ok that he doesn’t have all the answers to life. So often us men have large egos and are full of pride but we need to learn to let go of our pride and admit that we need God's help to take care of our worries and anxieties and to give us the right answers we need throughout our life.
This not only applies to your relationship with God but also in your relationship with the lady in your life. God created her to want to be your teammate and help-meet and if she is truly a God-honoring woman she will be this in your relationship and she will want to be desired and feel wanted by you. By you letting her in deeper to the inner workings of your life and your shortcomings as a man and dropping your guard down with her, it will help fulfill her God-given desire to help you and in so doing you help make her feel validated in her roll as a woman and feel fulfilled in the relationship just as you feel like a better man when she gives you respect and when you feel desired by her. Don’t be afraid to be tender to her needs and in who she is as a woman of God. God tells us to protect the women in our life as if they were a sister. This is noble and heroic manhood. Any guy can just use and mistreat her while shutting her out. God wants more from his men.
Do you need to just take a moment and quiet your mind and seek rest today? Remember, as bad as we want to think of ourselves as superheroes, we are only human and we all have a breaking point. Yes, we carry the burden of being a rock for our family and this is noble but be flexible to let the right people into your inner workings, especially God. Don’t forget to bend before you break. Adapt and adjust while staying true to what is right before God. Even Christ took a moment to rest. You need to recharge your battery and there’s no better charger than going to God to renew your strength as you let your guard down and admit you need his help.
Peace comes from resting in God.
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