-Philippians 2:3-4
Men, do you realize that humility along with self-confidence can be very attractive traits to have as you carry yourself throughout your life. We've all come into contact with that person who gloats and tells everybody about how great he or she is and how we're "lucky" to be in their presence so to speak. Shoot, I've even been guilty of this in my past and it's sad because it comes from the breeding grounds of insecurity. A person who has their act together and who's confidence is high doesn't need to broadcast to the world that he has it. It should just come out naturally for others to see.
This verse above tells us to watch out for our own vanity and praising ourselves. God tells us to be humble and think of other's needs above our own. Wow! Did you hear that? What a tough command to follow but how rewarding it can be for the people around us when we act in this fashion according to God's desire for our lives as men and leaders. When we lift others up who come into our life, it makes us that much more attractive and pleasant to be around as we show Christ's light to them. Your relationships will be better and you will influence others better with your existence. Also, you feel better about yourself when you lift up the people around you. It's an intrinsic value that happens by showing others love and will give your life more meaning, joy, and purpose. Remember, the greatest commandment is to love others.
Who do you need to reach out to by humbling yourself and putting their needs above your own? It's tough because we as men have so much pride and we live in a world that says, "It's all about me, me, me and I, I, I." God will reward you though for your humility to put others first. This doesn't mean we let people take advantage of us and use us for their selfishness. No, that's where having proper boundaries set up in your life when dealing with others is so important. When Jesus came to earth he humbled himself to be born in a lowly state and then crucified by his own kind when he could of easily escaped it all. He knew his purpose and he didn't let people take him off track to what he knew he was supposed to do with his life. He didn't let people walk all over him either throughout his ministry yet he fulfilled his mission in humility. Check yourself today and ask yourself, "Who do I need to start treating better with a spirit of humility?" This is a man quality. Remember, the world has it all backwards.
He who wants to be first shall be last and he who humbles himself shall be first.