"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." -Peter 5:8
"Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble." -Proverbs 24: 1-2
"And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever." -I John 2:17 (NLT)
Men, isn't it tough sometimes to stay on the right path as a believer and to follow the things of God? We'll always have times in our life where it would be easier to just do our own thing and follow the world's way of doing things; but God tells us there's a better way and that is by obedience to him. This doesn't mean we're called as men to live in a shallow bubble where we hide from everything, no, but God tells us to ask for discernment and wisdom to make the right decisions when in the face of adversity. He has called us to live lives set apart from the way the unsaved act. This is a huge challenge but one that God wants us to win very bad. I fail daily and am thankful for God's grace to pick me up and put me back on the right path.
Satan is on the prowl guys and he knows EXACTLY where to trip you up at. He's a crafty manipulator and many times uses our minds and our weak spots against us to get us to fall into sin. That little dark secret you have in your life, yeah, he knows it and will use it against you to try and defeat you. This is why these verses above warn us from going along with the things of this world and the people who do not follow God's way. This is a huge struggle for us as men especially when it comes to our dating and social lives. God sees your sacrifice though men and he wants you to keep going. When we slip up we must ask God for forgiveness and learn from our mistakes. If we don't learn to choose God's way, we can end up going down a dark, dreary road that God didn't intend for us to go down. By the way, God also knows your biggest secrets, hurts, struggles, and fears, and he loves you still the same and wants to help you find victory through him. There is hope!
Don't desire the things of this world men! It's all empty apart from God and giving into temptation is selling yourself short. Stay alert and focused on the things of God so when the Devil rears his ugly head and tries to deceive you, you can see it coming from a mile away. There's a saying that goes, "He who fails to plan, plans to fail." Don't fail in your personal life guys by getting caught off guard and yielding to temptation. The results can be devastating for your walk as a Christian man and the decisions can affect you and those around you for forever. Determine to follow God and stay on guard. This may mean you getting honest with yourself and putting certain road blocks in your way in your personal life to keep you from knocking on sin's door. I've seen how the world acts when they forsake the things of God and it's ugly men! Apart from God it's all empty and temporary pleasure. Don't fall for Satan's lie that he feeds you on a daily basis.
It's tough...but our God is tougher!
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