“The man said, ‘The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” –Genesis 3:12
Isn’t it so typical that a guy like Adam in the Garden of Eden would blame his wife for something that was clearly his fault as well? I mean, how low do you have to be to put mankind’s downfall and entrance to sin all on the shoulders of the woman God made for his companionship to honor, cherish, respect, and protect? Sure, she messed up, was deceived, and was guilty too but he didn’t show much courage to take responsibility for his own actions and the choice he had made, even if she did persuade him to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. Why was he not helping to protect her as he was called by God to be the head of the relationship? Where was he while the serpent was manipulating and deceiving his wife? Will you be the guy that leaves his wife to take the lead and all the blame in your relationship? Please don’t do this man of God!
Men, there is going to come a time in your life that you will get busted for doing something wrong. Will you be the guy who cowardly looks around for someone else to blame or the one making up a half-truthful story to take the negative spotlight off of yourself? Please don’t be this guy! This guy lacks character and integrity and this has no business being in the life of a true man. This is boyish and cowardly. Keep in mind there are many guys in prison today still pointing the finger at someone else for their actions even after they’ve been caught. They lie to themselves and try to convince everybody else their innocent. This is a messed up way to live, especially believing their own cowardly lies.
Men, you’re going to mess up from time to time. It happens. Apologize and own up to it. Accept the consequences and try to make it right. What’s not ok is when you don’t accept responsibility for your actions and try to put the blame on somebody else. God is not honored or glorified by your trying to avoid the blame. There are so many people in society today that do this and it’s a horrible way to go about their life! This is not noble. This is weak and shameful. This is a good way to give up your “man card” so-to-speak. Be of noble character and please God regardless of the consequences. God will honor this as you do the right thing. Embrace the struggle of doing the right thing as you move one step closer to true manliness and leadership under God Almighty. Do not go through life as a coward. There’s no honor in cowardly behavior! God holds us responsible. Let’s stand tall and embrace the challenge as men of God!
You make your bed. You lie in it.
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