Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Frustration at It's Finest

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” –Romans 7:15
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” –Acts 3:19
“When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?’  She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.’” –John 8:10-11

Yeah, this verse in Romans is so easy to attest to for us isn’t it men? Paul hit the nail on the head when he said, “Why do I do what I don’t want to do?!” How often do we as men mess up this way with acting out yet once again sexually, with lying to someone, or saying the wrong thing? It leaves us frustrated and beating ourselves up inside. It feels sometimes as if we’ll never get it right or get victory over the sin in our life that we wrestle with. You can have assurance though that God convicts while Satan condemns and rubs it in. God doesn’t condem you though. He lovingly shows you the error of your ways and asks you to turn from it. Keep in mind men, if you’re not wrestling with any sin in your life you might want to start to do some inward self-examination because it’s possible you’re no longer in the battle fighting the sin you should be struggling to conquer in God’s strength. Maybe you've given up. Just a thought for you to consider.

The second passage above says to repent and turn from that stupid sin that keeps messing you up. God forgives constantly but he wants us to repent which is more than just saying sorry. It’s turning from that sin into new pastures and leaving that sin behind like he told the woman at the well in the book of John when he said, “I don’t condemn you; so go and stop sinning.” See men, we are held with the chords of our sin but there is freedom with turning to Christ and letting him lovingly embrace us and forgive us for our sin as we repent and walk away from it.

As men it’s so important in order to be an affective Christian man of God to keep a short sin account and become aware of our shortcomings and the dark corners of our heart. The Bible tells us to do some inward inspection and ask God to search our hearts and see if we have any hidden sin that we haven’t turned from in our life. God shines his light on the darkest corners of your mind and heart and only he can give you the awareness you need to improve as his child. Guys, it’s a pretty simple pattern; you mess up and do that sin that you are so frustrated with because you didn’t want to do it and you fall again in your walk. Then, you ask for forgiveness and run from it and leave it in the past without going back to it. Remember when you fall, that God understands our hearts and he sees our motives whether good or bad. He knows it’s tough. What do you need to stop doing in your life? Who do you need to stop hanging with? What place do you need to stop visiting? Setting boundaries is all a part of repentance so you can get freedom from that sin that keeps dragging you down.

When you want to beat yourself up after sinning, don’t forget it’s ok to feel bad and sorry but you are not condemned. God convicts; Satan condemns. You are not a lost cause!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Disciplined Faith

“It is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. –Romans 14:11-12

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. –Hebrews 12:11

“(A storm broke out while the disciples were in the boat and the men feared so they woke up Jesus who was sleeping) He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’  They were terrified and asked each other, ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’” -Mark 4:39-41
As men it’s so easy to go through life trying to do it all on our own in some form of macho masochism.  For others, it’s just the opposite as they go through life spineless, lacking self-confidence, and never embracing their true manhood and approval found in God’s acceptance. Many men miss God’s calling and will for their life because they get in their own way and live in a self-made prison. At the end of the day you may find yourself answering to your wife, your parents, or just to yourself but keep in mind that one day you will stand before God and give account of everything you’ve done in this lifetime (Romans 14:11-12).
Men, two things I would like to emphasize to you today are having a deep faith in something greater than yourself and secondly to be disciplined enough to go after it. Many times we as men we only want to have to answer to ourselves without admitting we have any issues or hang-ups. Others of us men have become so weak-minded we can’t move and are so paralyzed by our own fear that we can’t get out of our own way as we live an imprisoned life feeling lost, unconfident, and full of self-defeat. We don’t have to fear though. God tells us to put our full faith and trust in him alone. Don’t become a god unto yourself by trying to leave the true God out of your life’s picture.
I’ve recently pushed myself to do a tough challenge of discipline by making myself do a body cleanse program. God knows my self-discipline has been horrible whether it’s eating healthy, working out consistently, or avoiding temptation. This is a struggle for many of us and I want to encourage you to start pushing yourself to have better habits and discipline. I have found though by doing this body cleanse discipline that it’s helping in other areas of my life such as my mind and relationship with God. What do you need to start doing today to activate your faith and be disciplined?  Your world will open up to endless possibilities when you do and God can further use you for his service. Guys, when one puts his faith wholly in the Lord of the universe you can rest assured that he will be doing a work in you to bring himself closer to you and lead you through life. Get over yourself and simply trust him. Rest assured that you don’t have to continue going down the path you’re on if you’re feeling fearful, lazy, and unfulfilled or if you’re just doing what you want to do with no faith in anything but yourself. Start today men of God. A leader MUST have good discipline and faith is the main component in serving God with your life. Simply let it all go. Throw it all at his feet in prayer and embrace his love and allow him to work and change you into a better man full of faith and discipline.
When fear or uncertainty knocks on your life’s door, send faith to answer.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Owning .VS. Being Owned

“Someone in the crowd said to him, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.’ Jesus replied, ‘Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?’ Then he said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.’ And he told them this parable: The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” –Luke 12:15-21

This parable above really relates to our lives today and how we live in a society hungering for more and more. News flash though guys! Possessions and lust for things of this life will only leave you wanting more and being unsatisfied. It’s like a drug. This relates even to relationships, sex, and chasing the world’s way of thinking. Think about that time you really wanted that object or girl in your life and you thought to yourself, “If only I could have that I would be so happy and my life would be complete.” Men, what happened eventually after you got what you wanted? Did it complete your life or did you eventually want something bigger, faster, and newer? God knows our desires guys and he tells us in his Word to hunger after him. He is the only real thing that can bring your heart and soul satisfaction. Secondly, don’t envy others and what they have. Remember, they are on a different journey and you can only be you and that’s just where God wants you so he can use you to reach your full potential in his will for your life. Comparing yourself to others only leaves you miserable, frustrated and unhappy. There’s a saying that goes, “He who compares loses.” Get your eyes off of others when desiring more. Instead, look to give more to others whether it's your time, energy, money, or possessions. It will bring your life more fulfillment. meaning, and purpose.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with having nice things but God wants our lives to be available to be used by him to serve and reach others. Yes, this does take sacrifice. But if we never sacrifice and let ourselves be stretched, how do we grow and see the wonderful power of God through our circumstances? God loves us too much to just let us be spoiled brats living comfortably while never being forced to grow. It's in the uncomfortable times we grow the most. God wants open and willing hearts and hands to be lead to what he desires for us to do. If you stay tuned to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your heart you will often feel a tug at you to go up and encourage someone or give a little more. You can change lives if you are willing to show acts of kindness as he leads you. It’s so sad to see a man holding onto riches and earthly possessions so tightly that they actually own him. I see it with me and my truck and as soon as I see a new scratch somewhere on the body it bugs me and I have to remind myself that this cannot be allowed to own me.

Men, I live in sunny Orange County, California and am constantly finding myself having to stay out of the “bigger and better” way of thinking. God wants us to be like a hose or sieve where we can just let his blessings and generosity pour through us to others. The great things about this is when we open our lives up to being a servant to give to others, he actually blesses us along the way too. Just keep in mind that every good thing comes from him and always give the credit back to him for our success or when someone wants to give us credit for living this servant hood lifestyle. I can see it in my own life when I struggle to write that tithe check out to put in the offering that something in my heart is off and I’m not being the faithful servant that God asks me to be especially because that tithe is his and everything in my life is supposed to be available to him and what he wants to do with it. If God decides you should give something away then just do it. He’s obviously got something better in store for you. Don’t make the mistake of missing out on a blessing because you weren’t obedient to his prompting. Yes, this will stretch you and he's molding you to grow which is so important. Think of yourself as an available servant to be used to pour blessings out on others. Start this way of thinking today. Don’t miss out one more moment.

It’s hard to grip tightly on things in your life when you’re living with open hands.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Actions Reflect Your Title

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” –Proverbs 10:9
Men, have you recently taken an inventory of your life to see if you’re walking with integrity and good character? So often I just go through the motions of my life and “I think” I’m walking as a Christian man in a certain way but when I start looking back at my recent actions I realize my integrity is lacking big time and my character is being tarnished. Sure, I can fool some people throughout my day but the Holy Spirit convicts me when I take the time to examine myself to see how often I fall short and give into sin and temptation. I notice how often my actions don’t add up to my being a Godly man full of good character. It’s like I want the title of being a “Godly man” but my actions don’t prove that I am. The same goes for you men.
What do your actions say about your integrity as a man? Are you constantly messing up and giving into your second mind which is the mind of the world instead of listening to the mind of Christ? The definition of integrity is “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” This also means doing the right thing even when nobody is looking. Remember men, God sees all our actions and he knows what truly is on our mind and in our heart. There’s no fooling him. Sure, you can put on a good front and fool everybody else around you but God knows the inner workings of your heart and he has the final say on your life of what blessings you receive from him. Give him a reason to bless you guys. He loves you nonetheless but he has great things in store for you if you will obey him. Even if you don’t always see his blessings in your life, remember a huge blessing of obedience is not having to live with the regret and wounds that sin brings to one’s life. He saves you from a lot of pain and bitterness if you’re willing to listen and obey.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words.” This definitely applies to our integrity or lack thereof. Stop fooling yourself to think you’re more righteous and good than you are. What do your actions say about you, not your words? Take a look at what your thoughts, attitude, and actions have been and go back and ask for forgiveness and God’s strength to make the necessary changes needed to walk purely, full of genuine integrity, not just a life of “good intentions.” God does forgive but your actions should show a genuine love and desire for the things of God not just skating to get by and living a half-hearted existence as a Christian man. God holds us accountable men. We are to be his leaders! What would you think of an army ranger cowering in fear when he comes upon the enemy or a police officer running away from a criminal instead of protecting the innocent or a fireman running away from a fire instead of doing his duty to try and put it out? We would call those men cowards. Remember, our actions should reflect what’s inside of us and will determine what kind of a man we truly are in this life! We are to be leaders and our actions should reflect the title of a “Christian man of God.”

Look back at your actions from the past and make the changes needed to head forward in your life towards the things of God.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peace of Mind

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

The day-to-day can get old real fast can’t it guys? The daily routine as creatures of habit doing the same thing day after day after day. The driving to work or school; the endless routine that is more "blah" feeling than the day before; the going to the gym or picking up the kids; the getting home late just to eat and crash on the couch. It gets tiring “staying to the course” to fulfill our responsibility and live a life acceptable to our loving Savior. It's tough each day to do it with a good attitude especially if we're not daily embracing the strength we get from our relationship with God. This definitely isn’t something that comes from being a “Sunday Christian” either, that’s for sure!

This verse above talks though about the peace of God that only comes from giving yourself over to him in complete surrender and letting him have the wheel of your life on a daily basis. I'd like to challenge you guys before you hit your breaking point to fall to your knees and cast your worries, burdens, and “same 'ol busy schedule” at his feet in prayer. Each morning as you roll out of bed, drop to your knees and give him control of every area of your life that day out of a surrendered heart, mind, body, and soul. Ask him for his strength and peace that only comes from him. God gives you enough strength to take on one day at a time and he gives you new mercies every morning the Bible says.

Not only does he want to give you a peace that is supernatural and better than any quick “mind fix” but he wants to guard your heart and mind to protect you from the enemy. Satan is crafty and he will try to defeat you by making you believe all sorts of self-defeating lies about yourself from inside and also will try and beat you up by what you encounter throughout your day. Don't be defeated men! Let God guard your hearts and minds and give you his peace by 100% surrendering to him and what he wants to do each day in and through your life. Stay the course men! Keep going! Push ahead but don't go at this weary journey alone. Go with God and embrace his strength and power! Go get 'em men of God; you fearless warriors and leaders of men!

 God’s peace is available to us but we must listen closely because he speaks in a whisper because he’s that close.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Embrace Your Faith

“You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.” –Deuteronomy 13:4

Men, we need to embrace our relationship with God and not just let it go stale throughout our daily routine. Too many people today have a “head knowledge” when it comes to their faith but it doesn’t come authentically from the heart. Guys, do you find yourself going through the motions of being a Christian as you passively think about God or are you actively running to him for your strength and companionship? This is a constant battle for many of us.

It’s pretty simple. Your relationship with God is similar to a relationship that you have with a person here on earth. How much time do you spend talking and investing time with that person? It’s the same with God. He has given you an amazing opportunity to share life with him in fellowship but unless you seek and activate it you are missing out on so many blessings! It’s like if you were out in the freezing winter cold and somebody offered you a blanket for warmth to save you from the cold. How foolish would it be of you to not accept it? God wants to be your blanket, guys!

Your relationship with God needs to be watered and fed through prayer, reading the Bible, obedience, and putting positive relationships around you. Take it as a personal challenge as a man to seek God with every area of your life. Is your faith real or is it just a "church on Sunday" kind of faith? Is it yours or just what your parents say you should do? Embrace it as your own! Think about it. Unless it’s real in your life, you will be ineffective and missing out on rewarding blessings that are essential to becoming a true man of God and you will miss your full potential! Don't forget to check yourself and see what sin may be in your life that's keeping you from seeing God the way you should. Actively participating in sin will keep you from feeling fulfilled in your relationship with God.

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than sitting in a garage makes you a car