Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peace of Mind

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

The day-to-day can get old real fast can’t it guys? The daily routine as creatures of habit doing the same thing day after day after day. The driving to work or school; the endless routine that is more "blah" feeling than the day before; the going to the gym or picking up the kids; the getting home late just to eat and crash on the couch. It gets tiring “staying to the course” to fulfill our responsibility and live a life acceptable to our loving Savior. It's tough each day to do it with a good attitude especially if we're not daily embracing the strength we get from our relationship with God. This definitely isn’t something that comes from being a “Sunday Christian” either, that’s for sure!

This verse above talks though about the peace of God that only comes from giving yourself over to him in complete surrender and letting him have the wheel of your life on a daily basis. I'd like to challenge you guys before you hit your breaking point to fall to your knees and cast your worries, burdens, and “same 'ol busy schedule” at his feet in prayer. Each morning as you roll out of bed, drop to your knees and give him control of every area of your life that day out of a surrendered heart, mind, body, and soul. Ask him for his strength and peace that only comes from him. God gives you enough strength to take on one day at a time and he gives you new mercies every morning the Bible says.

Not only does he want to give you a peace that is supernatural and better than any quick “mind fix” but he wants to guard your heart and mind to protect you from the enemy. Satan is crafty and he will try to defeat you by making you believe all sorts of self-defeating lies about yourself from inside and also will try and beat you up by what you encounter throughout your day. Don't be defeated men! Let God guard your hearts and minds and give you his peace by 100% surrendering to him and what he wants to do each day in and through your life. Stay the course men! Keep going! Push ahead but don't go at this weary journey alone. Go with God and embrace his strength and power! Go get 'em men of God; you fearless warriors and leaders of men!

 God’s peace is available to us but we must listen closely because he speaks in a whisper because he’s that close.

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