Men, we need to embrace our relationship with God and not just let it go stale throughout our daily routine. Too many people today have a “head knowledge” when it comes to their faith but it doesn’t come authentically from the heart. Guys, do you find yourself going through the motions of being a Christian as you passively think about God or are you actively running to him for your strength and companionship? This is a constant battle for many of us.
It’s pretty simple. Your relationship with God is similar to a relationship that you have with a person here on earth. How much time do you spend talking and investing time with that person? It’s the same with God. He has given you an amazing opportunity to share life with him in fellowship but unless you seek and activate it you are missing out on so many blessings! It’s like if you were out in the freezing winter cold and somebody offered you a blanket for warmth to save you from the cold. How foolish would it be of you to not accept it? God wants to be your blanket, guys!
Your relationship with God needs to be watered and fed through prayer, reading the Bible, obedience, and putting positive relationships around you. Take it as a personal challenge as a man to seek God with every area of your life. Is your faith real or is it just a "church on Sunday" kind of faith? Is it yours or just what your parents say you should do? Embrace it as your own! Think about it. Unless it’s real in your life, you will be ineffective and missing out on rewarding blessings that are essential to becoming a true man of God and you will miss your full potential! Don't forget to check yourself and see what sin may be in your life that's keeping you from seeing God the way you should. Actively participating in sin will keep you from feeling fulfilled in your relationship with God.
Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than sitting in a garage makes you a car
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