Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Letter from a Man's Heart

“Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.” –Proverbs 6:25
Men, below is a letter that was written after being fed up with several intense conversations I’ve had with women over the years and seeing girls on social media sights and in public using their sexuality to seduce guys. I watched these guys play right into these girls’ hands as if they were sheep being lead to the slaughter. These so called “men” just made themselves look so weak. I was frustrated too that I could feel this very tug on my body to want to give in and lust after these women and many times falling into it myself. I felt this needed to be said and men and women alike should listen up. Read the letter below and see what comes to mind in your own life and what you may need to address. Maybe there’s a woman in your life that needs to hear the truth and you would be bold enough to pass this on to help her understand the heart of a man better and the role she plays in relation to you.
 “I have to get this out! Guys can we please stop making ourselves look like idiots & dogs in heat by praising girls who use just their beauty & sexuality to get our attention?! I am included in this! I mean c'mon! How pathetic can we make ourselves look?! I'm so sick of girls using their bodies & manipulating us guys to satisfy their insecure need for approval & attention. Instead, we should get real with these mislead ladies in a respectful way & tell her to put some clothes on because it's distracting us from getting to know her heart as a true person & not just an object. These women have a hole that no man can fill. It's called being broken. Help us ladies help you & please stop complaining that all a guy wants from you is sex or that you're just viewed as his trophy! That's because instead of holding out to see if a guy is worth it, you date these idiots & think all men are that way. It's time to take some responsibility for why you keep attracting these kinds of guys! I really don't want to hear one more sob story because of your bad choices. Guys, we need to tell these girls that she's devaluating her worth as a woman & it's so unattractive. Sure a guy will sleep with a girl like this but he sure won't respect her & usually will leave after he's done getting what he really wanted in the first place. Boys will run to a girl who flaunts her sexuality as if it's all she has to offer but real men will stand firm. Ladies, please stop casting your valuable diamonds to dogs! The way to have your body respected, your heart cherished, & your essence as a woman adored is by respecting yourself enough & knowing your self-worth & value enough to not need all these boys approval just based on your sexual allure. You have a choice to not accept this kind of behavior from guys! Walk away!

 I personally would feel more special as your future husband if your sexy body was saved for me & not just offered up to any Joe Schmoe to see. There are 2 kinds of attention from a man: Lustful attention & real authentic heart-centered attention. You need to take a look at your pictures & outfits & ask yourself what kind of bait you are fishing with. You'll catch the kind of fish based on what you put on the hook. Also ladies, you don’t have to be the most beautiful woman in the room or even that attractive at all. You still have this allure as a woman when you sell yourself to the public eye in this lustful manner by showing off your “lady parts.” I can tell you though that the attention you get will be temporary, fleeting, & empty based out of unauthentic praise & a man’s double motive to get only what he wants from you. Sure it can be exciting at first but it’ll lead you down a broken & lost path for your heart. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think that you’re that pretty outwardly& just want to use your body to attract this attention. You are playing into this. Please stop looking for shallow approval just to make yourself feel noticed. It's empty. If I can encourage you in anyway please just know & believe that you are APPROVED of & God adores you & you don't need my or any other guy's approval out there! Your true self-worth & respect for yourself has to come from within! Any girl can get attention just based on her body. Take a look at prostitutes. See! Guys usually take their cues from the way you present yourself, even godly men! And for men, let’s stop blaming our gross behavior on "being a guy." Being called a MAN takes effort & sacrifice. Let's hold ourselves to a higher standard even when most of these hurting girls don't. Let's stop leaving these women to pick up our slack as we bruise their hearts & trample all over them! Let's stand up men of God & lead! To be the boyfriends, husbands, & fathers who will be there for our children & their mothers. We need to stop being so selfish & weak! Grow up & do your responsibility absent fathers! I personally want to be respected & not manipulated & distracted to like a girl just based on how sexy she looks. At the end of the day substance lasts. This is just my thought on this matter. -Sincerely, the Heart of a Man trying to be Authentic”
 What does this bring up for you when you read this, men? Does your heart cry out and challenge you to stop going along with the crowd and being lead around by your crotch? Take back your sexuality and use it as the driving force to protect these women in your life, even from your own sinful nature! This is the true path to authentic manhood and being a God’s man!
Am I leaving the woman I encounter better off for having known me or am I being lead around by my lust?


  1. I know typically you aim towards speaking to younger man. However, is there a chance that you may consider, writing/speaking on one or two of these topics, abusive relationship and sexually assault.
    I hope your enjoying, the holiday season!
