Men, let's discuss this passage of Scripture above and how it applies to our lives today. The main thing we need to remember is that God is in the heart-changing business. The Bible tells us that once someone gives themselves over to let the Lord work in their life and on their heart the blinders are taken off of their eyes. Before we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts we are blind to truly understanding who Christ really is and the true implications of having a personal relationship with him. We don't truly understand the magnificence of his love until we accept him as our personal Savior and the Lord of our life. Have you ever heard the expression, "It's a God thing." Being a Christian doesn't make complete sense until you experience it for yourself and feel the change that comes over your heart and behavior.
The Bible also speaks of Satan blinding man's eyes to the truth of salvation. This is why so many are lead astray and can't see that the true answer to their life is turning to Christ and surrendering to his plan for their life. People tend often to think that Christianity or being "born again" is just some "religion" and not for them. Many times they don't believe that Christ will truly be the answer to find meaning to their life. How wrong they are! How blind! Often times people will run from the very thing that they need in their life to be made whole. They run from salvation and turning to Christ. The passage above tells us that there is freedom in the Spirit of the Lord which lives inside our hearts once we accept him and he takes the blinders off our eyes and opens us to a whole new outlook of life. Once we do this, we are never alone another minute! We have the Holy Spirit living in our heart and touching our conscience leading us along life's path. It's up to us to listen to his prompting though.
Once we become a true follower of Christ we can start seeing the Lord and his goodness. It is then that he begins his work in our life changing and molding us into the men of God that he desires us to become. This is the power of God which can turn alcoholics and drug addicts into devout followers of Christ who turn around and use their story to help those who are hurting with the same addiction they once experienced. The power to give a sex addict freedom to break the chains of immorality. The power to restore a broken marriage and the list goes on and on. You may ask, "But can't addicts get freedom from their addiction without turning to Christ?" The answer is absolutely yes, but you will find that people who put their faith and trust in something and Someone greater than themselves will many times find the breakthrough they seek and it will be a real authentic change. There's power in the name of Christ. Reflect on that today, men. The God of the Bible who parted the Red Sea, who healed the sick, who brought dead people back to life, who made food multiply right before people's eyes, who helped prostitutes change their lifestyle, who forgave people who tortured him, who died and rose again, yes him, he is available to you at this very moment. God never changes. He's the same today as he was back in the Bible days. Embrace the freedom that he offers by turning to him. Maybe you've fallen away from your walk and need to surrender and rededicate your life to him. Go for it! Don't waste another day men.
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
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